Dear Courtster:
My big problem is...............................................................................(suspense) that I don't have a problem-can you believe it!....oh, I wish I did cause I'm sure your wisdom (or lack there of) would come in handy....but, alas, I've been thinking and prodding, probing and nodding, but I just can't seem to come up with a damn problem.
Now, I say that this is a problem-the lack of a problem, but if my problem is that I don't have a problem, is it really possible for me to have a problem....I think not....and I'm sure you would agree! What a predicament. So, I just have no problems....hmm, I must be pretty cool.....Although, people are mostly blind to their problems....therefore, perhaps I am harboring a problem that is just out of sight....hidden in that nasty unconscious that Freud spoke about....or maybe it is out of my unconscious and I am stuck in the denial phase. Maybe, just maybe, therefore, you can help me out-given your incomprehensible gift for determining the human condition (although Freud might not agree that you are perceptive, given that you are a female and are envious of the male's private parts-oh, you poor woman! So misguided and warped by the male presence). But anyway, I never was much for Freud...so, you mystic advisor with the brand new socks, lets put you to the test. What are my problems? Well, you can start with one...but, it can't be too obvious...must be one I am unaware of...let's hear your prognosis.
Problemless (but cool)
Dear Problematic,
Oh dear, I think this mail was intended for the psychic advice network, because those people can tell just by the font and stuff all about you, and then give you a good fortune, or in this case, a good problem. But, since you wrote to me, I'll take a stab at it. (Those psychics cost like, $900 a word, and this, of course is free.)
Could any of these be your problem?
1) You'd like to give up some of your vices for health reasons, but then, as soon as you do, you think, why bother? Because life without vices, well, it's a bit flat. You hate to be wishy washy, quitting things, taking them up again, and so on. All of this just makes you want to chew.
2) You'd like to win at hockey more, but you dislike your coach and the other players too, at least most of them, except for the one who hit you. Strangely, he's one of your favorites. There's a problem in here somewhere, although N'3lvra can't quite pin it down.
3) You are going on a trip soon, but you don't know what book to take. You can't decide between a book that would make you look good (in case you meet anyone you'd like to impress), a book that would be good, or a book that you should read. (Courtney could probably suggest a few books in each category, if that's your problem.)
Are any of those right?
P.S. The socks weren't new. But I'm glad they don't look as Value Village-y as the rest of my attire.